
New SharePoint app is changing the way companies share information

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 16, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- A new mobile application is changing employee project collaboration by making SharePoint accessible on the go.

Countless businesses already use SharePoint for document management, records management and other business resources. SharePoint is a Microsoft software product that is installed on a server and is used to increase productivity among collaborating employees.

Because SharePoint is installed on a server it was previously next to impossible for employees to access it on their computer. Today, so many business men and women work on the go that mobility is essential in maintaining high productivity.

The SharePoint mobile application is currently compatible with iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads.

Customers are sure to love the new update to the application that has removed any original bugs. The app is mainly for sharing documents with fellow employees working on projects together.

It is allowing people to keep up to date on work when they are out of the office. The mobility gives people flexibility to travel or work from home. With more and more people owning mobile apps, there are few better ways to increase work flexibility.

About is the company that created the SharePoint App that is now available on iTunes. is a business that creates social business and collaboration tools to meet the specialized developing needs of corporations and businesses across the country. They specifically focus on working with mobile devices, social networking and the cloud. For more information, check out


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