
Commonwealth Emergency Operations Center in full activation

CENIC Established to Coordinate Public Information during Emergency

HARRISBURG, Pa., April 3, 2005 -- Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) Director Adrian R. King, Jr. today announced the full activation of the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) in Harrisburg.

"The potential for serious flooding around the Commonwealth requires full activation of the State Emergency Operations Center," said Director King. "The activation will ensure that all Commonwealth resources needed to respond to this emergency can be quickly and effectively coordinated."

The activation of the SEOC includes staff from FEMA, PennDOT, Pennsylvania State Police, Public Utility Commission, Department of General Services, Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Health, and the American Red Cross.

These state and federal agencies have been working since yesterday to support the efforts of local and county emergency management and public safety officials. The state Department of Environmental Protection, for example, is monitoring high-hazard dams, and has dispatched teams to dams in the affected counties to perform inspections. The PA Department of Health is monitoring reports from hospitals and nursing homes related to this flooding event. The PA National Guard is on stand by for potential security missions.

PEMA staff has coordinated conference calls with central and eastern area counties and the National Weather Service, and the PEMA Director will remain in constant communication with Governor Rendell. Also, the PEMA Eastern Area Office has deployed PEMA Liaison Officers to address specific Areas and counties.

Director King also today announced the establishment of the Commonwealth's Emergency News and Information Center (CENIC) at the SEOC in Harrisburg, as part of the agency's response to the severe weather conditions in central and eastern portions of the state.

CENIC staff may be reached at 717-651-2112 & 717-651-2122 for information on the Commonwealth's response to conditions. Staff in the CENIC will coordinate public information during this emergency.

For more information, visit the PEMA website at

Web Site:

Maria A. Smith
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency

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