
Jelly Belly sweetens employee performance appraisal process - candy maker chooses feature-loaded EPM solution from Halogen Software

OTTAWA, CA, April 27, 2005 - Employee performance appraisals at The Jelly Belly Candy Company are now a lot more palatable, thanks to Halogen Software Inc., a leading provider of Web-based employee performance management (EPM) software. Jelly Belly, the California-based maker of gourmet jelly beans and other candies, has selected Halogen eAppraisal(TM) to automate performance evaluations for 400 employees in multiple locations.

Jelly Belly is a fun company, but its employee appraisal process is serious business. Before purchasing Halogen eAppraisal(TM), Jelly Belly's regional offices used almost as many evaluation methods as the company has candy flavours. Now, the time-consuming annual appraisal process is child's play for Jelly Belly's managers and human resources staff. "This software helps us to organize and automate our appraisal process and make it more user- friendly and more thorough," said Jeff Brown, Director of Human Resources at Jelly Belly.

"Halogen's product completely formalizes and organizes our employee evaluation process. It allows us to standardize competencies across job classifications, add signature and comment sections to make our process more interactive, and increase accessibility for remote managers," Mr. Brown said. More thorough and accurate reviews will also help to clarify expectations and corporate HR objectives, and increase staff satisfaction, Mr. Brown added.

Halogen eAppraisal(TM) beat out offerings from a half-dozen major competitors for the Jelly Belly deal. "Halogen's product addresses all the issues that are important to us. It is web-based, easily accessible for everyone, lets us mould core competencies into different forms, and it's easy to electronically transmit information into the system," said Mr. Brown, "And above all, it's the most user-friendly."

About The Jelly Belly Candy Company

The Jelly Belly Candy Company, based in Fairfield, California, is a family owned and operated company now run by the fourth and fifth generation of the candy family. Jelly Belly traces its roots back to 1869 when two brothers emigrated from Germany and started making candies in the United States. Now the company is internationally known for its Jelly Belly beans, which are sold in 35 countries, and for other gourmet confections ranging from jells, chocolates, gummies and seasonal sweets. For more information, visit:

About Halogen Software

Halogen Software Inc. is a leading provider of employee performance management (EPM) solutions. Founded in 2001 as a subsidiary of a successful consulting company, Halogen offers powerful, easy-to-use, and affordable Web- based software that dramatically improves HR and line-manager productivity. The company's flagship product, Halogen eAppraisal(TM), automates and simplifies time-consuming employee appraisals. Halogen eAppraisal(TM) Healthcare, created specifically for the healthcare industry, helps healthcare organizations to simplify the task of performing appraisals and meeting accreditation criteria. Halogen e360(TM) automates and simplifies formal 360-degree feedback procedures and offers sophisticated performance reporting. For more information on Halogen Software, visit: .


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