DSS News D. J. Power, Editor November 21, 2010 -- Vol. 11, No. 23 A Free Bi-Weekly Publication of DSSResources.COM approximately 2,100 subscribers In memory of my father, LaVern Joseph Power, May 2, 1921 - November 20, 2010. Rest in Peace. In this issue: 1) What is a database? 2) DSS Conferences/Call for Papers 3) Recent DSS News Headlines ****************************************************************** 1) What is a database? by Dan Power Editor, DSSResources.com Database is a familiar term to most people. While some people have an intuitive understanding of the term, many would have difficulty explaining the meaning of the term and explaining the concept of a database. At one time "data base" was two words used to describe a place for storing data. Over the past 25 years, the single word "database" has become commonly used to refer to computerized software for storing and retrieving data. The actual database is an organized collection of data. One hopes the stored data is logically related, relevant to the purpose and accurate. Continue reading at http://dssresources.com/faq/index.php?action=artikel&id=215 ***** Support DSS News! Advertise here! ******* 2) DSS Conferences/Call for Papers 1. BI Congress II sponsored by AIS SIG DSS, St Louis, MO, Dec. 11 and 12, 2010, join academic professionals and industry representatives. Check http://www2.commerce.virginia.edu/bicongress/ 2. Call for papers: Journal of Decision Systems (JDS) special issue on “Decision Making in Web 2.0 and Social Media Environments”, due January 15, 2011. Check http://dssresources.com/news/3111.php 3. Call for papers: ICDSS 2011 - International Conference on DSS, June 6-7, 2011, Tilburg University, the Netherlands, due February 1, 2011. Check http://dssresources.com/news/3154.php ************************************************************ Purchase Dan Power's Decision Support Basics http://businessexpertpress.com/books/decision-support-basics ************************************************************ 3) Recent DSS News Headlines 11/19/2010 Teradata partners with RainStor for big data retention and retrieval at a low cost. 11/19/2010 Made in IBM labs: New architecture can double analytics processing speed. 11/17/2010 Microsoft Lync arrives and brings communications to new heights. 11/16/2010 Next Analytics offers Excel users complete social media and Google Analytics integration. 11/12/2010 IBM and European partners to pioneer new storage cloud architecture 11/11/2010 IBM completes acquisition of Netezza. Read the news at DSSResources.COM ****** Please tell your DSS friends about DSSResources.COM ***** DSS News is copyrighted (c) 2010 by D. J. Power. Please send your questions to daniel.power@dssresources.com. Connect with Dan Power at http://www.linkedin.com/in/danpower This list is hosted by the University of Northern Iowa in the spirit of cooperation with the network community. The opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the University or its employees. The University shall not be liable for any damages which may result directly or indirectly from errors or omissions in or application of information distributed via this group. You may leave this list by sending a message to: MAILSERV@uni.edu where the body of the message contains: UNSUB dssnews |