DSS News
D. J. Power, Editor
April 15, 2012 Vol. 13, No. 8
1) What is the job of a decision support analyst?
2) Featured article: Castellina and Hatch
3) Recent DSS News Headlines
4) Upcoming DSS Conferences/Call for Papers
What is the job of a decision support analyst?
by Dan Power
Editor, DSSResources.com
Job titles often summarize job duties and sometimes the title
conveys prestige or reflects the responsiblity of the person
holding the job. Decision support analyst is a somewhat ambiguous
job title. For example, a major hospital wanted to hire a decision
support analyst who knew SPSS to prepare studies and analyses
for administrators and outside agencies. This job function is
certainly important, but some use the job title to describe an
Information Systems specialist who helps with building and using
decision support systems. So when is it appropriate to seek a
decision support analyst and when is it best to hire a DSS/Business
Intelligence analyst. In general, an analyst refers to an individual
whose primary task is a detailed examination of a specific,
limited problem area.
Continue reading at
Click for more Frequently Asked Questions
Featured article:"Financial Planning, Budgeting,
and Forecasting in the New Economy"
by N. Castellina and D. Hatch
Aberdeen Group
A sound financial plan is the vehicle which clearly states
strategic business objectives in financial terms. A well-prepared
budget forms the foundation of decision-making throughout the
fiscal year. However, it is the forecast which allows the business
to adjust future expectations based on recent actual performance.
With a renewed focus on growth as a strategic goal, and alignment
of strategy with corporate performance, companies that hope to
achieve Best-in-Class status must be armed with tools that provide
visibility and flexibility to strike a balance between aggressive
plans for recovery and caution.
Continue reading at
Click for more Articles
3) Recent DSS News Headlines
04/13/2012 The age of connection. Check release.
04/12/2012 Big Analytics 2012 Conferences go beyond latest
hype to real-world business solutions. Check release.
04/11/2012 Hyatt expands revenue management capability with MaximRMS technology. Check release.
4) Upcoming DSS Conferences/Call for Papers
1. Call for IS/T book proposals.
Click here
2. DSS’2012 – 16th IFIP WG8.3 International
Conference on Decision Support Systems, Anávissos, Greece,
June 28-30 2012.
Click here
3. Social Media Analytics Summit, April 17-18,
San Francisco, CA.
Click here
4. 20th European Conference on
Information Systems (ECIS 2012), Track: "Business
Intelligence and Knowledge Management", Barcelona,
Spain June 10-13, 2012.
Click here
5. Call for papers: Decision models and social
commerce, submission deadline July 1, 2012.
Click here
Purchase Dan Power's Decision Support Basics
Click here
Become a Business Expert Press author
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